Thursday, December 20, 2007

How many legs does that thing have?

My landlady finally got me a shower head. Now I plan to take a shower instead of a bucket bath for the first time in a week. I strip, much enjoyed I am sure by the peeking neighbors, and head into the bathroom.

What the heck is that? Climbing the slick tile wall is a ten inch long brown centipede. He gracefully grips a small crack in the ceramic as he slowly heads toward the ceiling.

It is a molokai. They are very venomous.

I lack any appropriate crushing tools and despite the number of indigenous arthropods have not purchased any of the hard core pesticide sprays that are so common here. Besides, I have heard that these things laugh at chemical onslaughts.

I grab a can opener and push the critter into my bath bucket. Now what?

I know... I'll flush it down the toilet. An ancient and trusted method of pest removal. In he goes.

Swimming does not phase this thing. He is doing laps in my toilet.

I flush. Here we have two buttons for flushing. One for #1 and the 2nd for #2.

I push the #2 button and hold. Gallons of water flush through the basin.

Problem solved! Wait... Wait... It swims upstream back into the bowl!

Well I certainly am not going to sit there with that thing doing the backstroke beneath.

Eventually it gets tired and I repeat the flush, this time using every drop. It takes 5 minutes for the water pressure to recover enough for a trickle from the shower head.

But my multi legged friend is gone.