Peace Corps Volunteers never turn down free protein.
I use the nice pan my sister sent me. She didn't like that I was using an old corned beef can as a rice cooker. The new pan is real fancy, I'm sure that if I had the original packaging there would be a note from the marketing firm that it is a perfect pan for cooking arthropods of all types.
The molokou spent a few hours in the freezer as I ran around town on Saturday morning. The entire town closes around noon and doesn't reopen until Monday, so this is my only shopping time.
I use canola oil. I'm health conscious and try to avoid the generic 'vegetable oils' that are common here. They are mostly tropical oils such as palm. Artery cloggers.
The oil looks pretty hot. He is curled in the bottom of the plastic cup. I pick him out with my fingers, he is cold but not frozen, and into the bath he goes!
Splatter pop pop. As he heats up the steam inflates his shell and he straightens out like an inflated inner tube. Splash! The steam escapes and I dodge an eruption of hot oil. Without the internal pressure he returns to the convenient curl and just hisses a bit.
I give him less than a minute. Al dante.
I look up, there is a Tongan looking in my window. He moves on.
Off with the gas.
I look close. His fangs are now spread wide and fried into place.
Well, no use waiting for it to cool!
Munch Munch - Not bad - Tastes like the fried fiddler crabs you get in Tokyo.
I wonder if I can get some of local kids to find me twenty or more of the full size molokaus. That would be a great appetizer if I ever get a house and have a housewarming party...
BTW - I had felt a cold coming on in the morning on Saturday. It was better by evening and today is gone. The Peace Crops Volunteer who lives the life has an immune system that is right up there with a junk yard dog. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Here is the recipe I posted on a super secret internal bulletin board for Tongan PCVs only:
Fried Small Arthropod - (Molokau Fakapaku)
Ingredients -
One or more of the larger local land dwelling arthropods. Molokau is best, but like all good cooks it pays to be adventurous. The really big roaches and giant spiders should work just as well.
A healthy frying oil such as Extra Virgin Olive or Canola. Avoid tropical oils such as coconut or palm. (Saturated fats!)
Make sure the meat is clean. Do NOT eat a critter that has been soaked in Mortein! Catch it alive. Since the meat may not volunteer to be your appetizer, you should place it in the freezer until it is either immobile or dead. Remember, depending upon your choice of arthropod, these little buggers (ha ha) may be of the biting variety.
Heat oil to early smoke.
Drop in the critter. Watch for steam releases that will splash oil. I would recommend eye protection when frying.
Cook until the spattering slows noticeably. Al dante.
Eat while still hot! Cocktail or horseradish sauces are the most appropriate. Pair with a dry white wine.
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Keep on posting such stories. I love to read articles like that. Just add some pics :)
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